How Can you connect with the right people?

  • Your prospecting emails are being ignored and that voicemail barrier is a curse.
  • You know where the decision-makers are, but they're out of reach, fiercely guarded by gatekeepers.
  • Your social media contacts don't turn into meaningful connections.

Don’t take it personally – this is happening to everyone!


Meet face-to-face at networking meetings

  • It's the proven way to get past all those annoying barriers and meet decision-makers
  • It's THE MOST cost-effective way to find new customers.
  • Good (and bad!) reputations spread like wildfire in networking circles, so they are perfect for finding trusted suppliers, collaborations and advisors.
  • Use meetings to raise your profile, and become the go-to expert in your field.
  • BBN Tip: Share, Connect & Grow


Nervous of networking meetings?

Don't be, at every BBN Networking meeting you’ll be welcomed by BBN's friendly team.

  • All Businesses are Welcome - There are No Limits!!!
  • Our meeting format ensures a relaxed and joyful meeting.
  • You can ease into the meeting with the first half-hour of relaxed, open networking.
  • No silly rules and regulations – just to be yourself!
  • There are no referral pressure points!
  • Referrals will come naturally, as the other attendees at meetings get to know you and trust you.

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